Writing and Selling YA Books – Nicole Brinkley of Misshelved

On today’s episode of The Write Start, I have a very special guest who I love with all my heart. Nicole Brinkley is not only my oldest daughter, but she is also the manager of Oblong Books in Rhinebeck, NY and the host of the biweekly podcast Misshelved — a podcast for book lovers. I have her on the show today because she has an interesting perspective about books and I know many of you want to write fiction and YA books, so listen closely because even I have learned so much from her. And you absolutely need to listen to her Misshelved Podcast.

Links from today’s show:
Book Industry Charitable Foundation: https://www.bincfoundation.org/
We Need Diverse Books: https://diversebooks.org/

Please follow me on Instagram at @thevirgintraveler as well as @thewritestartpodcast and If you like what you heard on this podcast, please share it and leave me a rating or a review wherever you listen to The Write Start. Thanks again and I’ll see you next time.

Author: lisawriter3